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How to enable Social Login for WooCommerce

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through setting up social login functionality on your WooCommerce login and registration forms. This integration can greatly enhance the user experience and make it easier for customers to access your online store.

Enabling Social button

  • In your WordPress admin from the left navigation go to Loginizer --> Social Login
  • On the Social Login Page, select the settings tab.
  • In the settings tab you will see multiple vertical tabs, from those select WooCommerce.
  • Now you will need to check, Login form and registration form as per your need.
  • Save it and that's it, Social buttons will be visible on the WooCommerce login form, given that you have enabled Login Providers.
Social Login on WooCommerce

If you face any issue enabling this, or if you have any feedback or suggestion then write to us at

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